About AMS
Connecting marketing scholars across the globe.
The Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) is the premier professional association for marketing academics. For more than 50 years, AMS events and publications have connected scholars from across the globe seeking innovative solutions to drive the marketing profession forward.
Each year, AMS gathers at two conferences. The AMS Annual Conference, held in North America, attracts scholars from various countries for presentations, panels and competitions centering around critical topics in marketing. The World Marketing Congress brings similar conversations to locations throughout the world, creating opportunities for fellowship, collaboration and networking across borders. Both AMS conferences have a friendly, social atmosphere, balancing scholarship and recreation.
Interested in learning more about AMS? Watch this video with AMS Executive Director Barry J. Babin.
In addition to in-person events, AMS publishes the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), a top-rated journal within the marketing field. With over 500 institutional subscribers in over 30 countries, JAMS is one of the field’s most impactful publications. A newer publication, the Academy of Marketing Science Review, focuses on conceptual marketing scholarship and is headed toward being the premier journal of its type.

Our Legacy: Supporting Cutting-Edge Marketing Research & Education
Harold Berkman
AMS was founded in 1971 by Dr. Harold W. Berkman with the goal of creating a supportive, inclusive space for marketing academics. The Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) was founded shortly after, and AMS soon developed into one of the field’s most respected associations. Berkman’s legacy lives on in AMS’ work, as well as that of the Harold and Muriel Berkman Charitable Foundation, which provides scholarships for cutting-edge marketing research and U.S. veterans pursuing education.
As fellows of the Academy of Marketing Science Foundation, we recognize that fellowship carries with it special responsibilities. As researchers, we are guided by the desire to advance knowledge of marketing. Consequently, we devote much energy toward developing and improving ourselves as marketing scholars. As teachers, we are intellectual guides and do our best to convey information about marketing. As colleagues, we have certain obligations to marketing educators and the marketing discipline. We respect and nurture one another. We help one another promote the discipline through the creation, dissemination, and utilization of marketing knowledge. We do this with the highest ethical standards to ensure that marketing contributes to society in significant and substantive ways.
As fellows of the Academy of Marketing Science Foundation, we have certain professional obligations that include:
• maintaining the highest standards of intellectual honesty, professionalism, and objectivity
• defending the principles and practice of academic freedom
• avoiding conflicts of interest
• being selfless in contributing to the marketing discipline and society at large
AMS Global Affiliates:
In an effort to foster connections between marketing scholars throughout the world, AMS has partnered with several national and regional marketing organizations.
Academy of Marketing Science News:
The Harold and Muriel Berkman Charitable Foundation, Inc.® was founded by Harold W. Berkman and his wife, Muriel. Dr. Berkman previously served as Vice Dean and Professor of Management and Marketing at the University of Miami. He is the founder of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) as well as the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), serving as the Academy’s longtime Executive Vice President and Director.
The Foundation exists to pursue the Berkmans’ longstanding dedication and commitment to higher education in the U.S., particularly higher education preparing future business leaders and promoting the growth of knowledge into effective business and administration. In addition, the Foundation aims to recognize particularly the achievements of the men and women who have served this country in military service. The Foundation is recognized as tax exempt under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.