Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
The Academy's academic journal, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), is a well-respected industry publication, securing a position on the Financial Times’ list of the world's top 50 business journals in 2023, achieving an outstanding rank of second out of 154 publications and boasting an impressive impact factor of 9.5.
JAMS was founded in 1972 by Dr. Harold W. Berkman and is published on a quarterly basis by Springer. The journal has consistently grown in stature under the direction of editors including William Darden, Robert Peterson, David Cravens, A. Parasuraman, Rajan Varadarajan, David Stewart, Tomas Hult, and John Hulland. Charles and Stephanie Noble are the current editors.
JAMS is a double-blind refereed publication for which all manuscripts are reviewed by Editorial Board members and ad hoc referees. Occasionally, JAMS publishes special issues devoted to a theme of major significance; current calls for papers can be downloaded from the journal's website. More information about the journal's processes and history is available from its article on Wikipedia.
Members of the Academy receive the Journal at no additional cost beyond annual membership dues, and it is available to non-members, corporate sponsors, and libraries by subscription.

JAMS’ Journal Quality Ranking
With more than 500 institutional subscribers from more than 30 countries around the world, JAMS has been rated as one of the top marketing journals and has been highlighted by ISI in their InCites publication. Articles in JAMS are abstracted/or indexed in ABI/Inform; Accountants' Index; Business Index; Current Contents; PAIS Bulletin; PsycInfo; Psychological Abstracts; Accountants1 Index, Supplement; Social Sciences Citation Index.
Below is a link to the Journal Quality List compiled and edited by Prof. Anne-Wil Harzing. There, you will find updated multi-source rankings in an easy-to-use PDF format.
Note: AMS is not affiliated with and provides this link with no warranty or guarantee of accuracy.