AMS Global Affiliates
Asociación Española de Marketing Académico y Profesional
The Spanish Association of Academic and Professional Marketing (AEMARK) is an organization dedicated to providing support for marketing professionals, both in academia and business. The mission of AEMARK is to offer an environment to stimulate, promote, disseminate and apply teaching and research activity related to Marketing.
The affiliate journal, The Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC (SJME), is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal with an international vocation, welcoming manuscripts from authors all over the world. Each year, SJME publishes two regular issues and a Special Issue on a topic of particular interest for the journal audience. The Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, formerly named Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC, has been published periodically since 1996, by Elsevier since 2014, and fully in English since 2016.

Association Française du Marketing
AMS and the French Marketing Association (Association Française du Marketing or AFM) have a reciprocal affiliation relationship. AFM is the leading association of French-speaking marketing professors in the world and has objectives, programs and standards similar to those of AMS. The AFM is a key strategic partner with AMS. As this partnership grows, AMS members may wish to become more familiar with the AFM.
The affiliate journal, Recherche et Applications en Marketing (RAM), accepts English and French language submissions and is available online in both languages. The AFM’s blog is also a great resource for finding and sharing new marketing perspectives based on academic research published in marketing journals, but written for a more general audience.
European Business Review
The European Business Review provides innovative, relevant and interesting articles to a wide readership aimed at adding to the understanding of European business as well as to the wider international influences which have an impact on Europe.
For more information, contact the publication’s editor, Professor Goran Svensson, at

Società Italiana di Marketing
Founded in 2003, the Italian Academy of Marketing (Società Italiana di Marketing or SIM) is a scientific association that brings together all Italian marketing scholars. SIM promotes and spreads the marketing culture within both universities and private companies. AMS and SIM have a reciprocal affiliation relationship, sharing many objectives, programs and standards. AMS and SIM will from time to time announce cooperative efforts to support the advancement of marketing science.
Since 2020, SIM has been publishing the Italian Journal of Marketing, which invites all members of the marketing communities around the world to submit their papers as it is published in English by Springer.