President’s Message

Greetings AMS Members,

I hope you had a wonderful summer break and are feeling recharged and ready to begin a fruitful fall season.

I am truly honored to serve as AMS President and look forward to the next 2 years of service. The AMS has been a part of my journey for most of my academic life. Since my very first AMS conference in Baltimore in 2009, the Academy’s professional atmosphere, and its members’ support and engagement have inspired me. The members’ hospitality and generosity in sharing their profound knowledge are truly amazing and unique in our discipline. This spirit has always epitomized the AMS. I am honored to follow in the footsteps of the many outstanding, inspiring, and tireless leaders who built, shaped, maintained, and protected it over the last 50 years.

Thanks to Brad Carlson’s visionary leadership, and the tireless commitment of the Executive Committee and Board of Governors, the AMS has grown significantly in size, stature, and in its contribution to the discipline in recent years. The Academy has, for example, launched many new initiatives, which include:

·         AMS Sparks, a video series that features articles from the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science with a high practical relevance,

·         AMS illuminations, a new podcast in which Fellows share career tips and discuss hot marketing topics, and

·         the academic job board ‘Marketing PhD Jobs.’

If you haven’t yet had the chance to explore these initiatives, please do so at! In the coming months and years, the Academy will build on these and new activities to make our field a more inclusive, caring, and impactful one.

As President, I encourage everyone to participate in our activities, programs, and publications. Make use of our great networking opportunities through the ever-growing circle of marketing scholars that welcomes everyone. Be sure to spread the word, and invite your colleagues to join us, which will increase our international reach, particularly in the Asian and South American regions.

I also appreciate any feedback you might have about existing initiatives or ideas for new ones. Help the Academy grow professionally, whether by improving your research and teaching skills or by advancing your academic career through AMS’s vast network. The success and growth of AMS can only be achieved with your help, so please don’t hesitate to contact me, or any of our leadership team.

I wish all of you a great start to the new semester and look forward to seeing many of you at the next Annual Conference in Montreal (Canada) and at the World Marketing Congress in Dijon (France)!

Yours sincerely,

Marko Sarstedt


AMS Partners with Instats


President’s Message: Farewell from Brad D. Carlson