Jagdish N. Sheth Best JAMS Article Award

The Jagdish N. Sheth Best JAMS Article Award recognizes individuals who have authored the most outstanding paper published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) each year. Established in 1992, this award bears the name of Dr. Jagdish N. Sheth, whose generous donation initiated the award and continues to support its recognition of excellence.

Eligibility and Requirements

All articles published in JAMS within a given year are eligible for consideration. There are no specific additional requirements or restrictions for authors to qualify for the Jagdish N. Sheth Best JAMS Article Award.

Selection Process

The selection of the award recipient is based on a voting process conducted by the members of the JAMS Editorial Board. Each member submits their vote for the best JAMS article from the eligible papers published during the award year. The author of the paper with the highest number of votes is bestowed with the Jagdish N. Sheth Best JAMS Article Award.

Winner Recognition

Recipients of the Jagdish N. Sheth Best JAMS Article Award are honored with a plaque commemorating their achievement. Additionally, they receive a monetary award of $500 in the form of a check drawn from a U.S. bank.

Past Winners - click to see recent JAMS Best Articles of the Year

1992: Jagdip Singh
1993: Robert A. Peterson, William R. Wilson
1994: Leonard L. Berry, A. Parasuraman, Valerie A. Zeitham
1995: Kunal Basu, Alan S. Dick
1996: Steven P. Brown
1997: Sundar Bharadwaj, Roy Howell, Anil Menon
1998: B. Jaworski, A. Kohli, Ajay Menon
1999: Roger A. Kerin, Raj Sethuraman
2000: William E. Baker, James Sinkula
2001: Christian Homburg, Ove Jensen, John Workman, Jr.
2002: Peter R. Dickinson, Paul Farris, Willem J. Verbecke
2003: Roger J. Calantone, Jeffrey B. Schmit
2004: Thomas A. Burnham, Judy K. Frels, Vijay Mahajan
2005: Rebecca J. Slotegraaf, Peter R. Dickson
2006: Tom J. Brown, Thomas E. Barry, Peter A. Dacin, Richard F. Gunst
2008: V. Kumar, Morris George
2009: Venkatesh (Venky) Shankar, Manjit Yadav, Rajan Varadarajan
2010: Sridhar N. Ramaswam, Rajendra K. Srivastava, Mukesh Bhargava
2011: Rajan Varadarjan
2012: Shelby D. Hunt

2013: Richard P. Bagozzi
2014: Frederick E. Webter, Jr.
2015: Terry Clark, Thomas Martin Key, Monica Hodis, Daniel Rajaratnam
2016: Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Caroline Wiertz, Fabian Feldhaus
2017: Tuck Siong Chung, Michel Wedel, Roland T. Rust
2018: Rajan Varadarajan
2019: Mark Houston, Ann-Kristin Kupfer, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Martin Spann
2020: Neil A. Morgan, Kimberly A. Whitler, Hui Feng, Simos Chari
2021: S. Arunachalam, Sundar G. Bharadwaj, Rodrigo Guesalaga
2022: Ming-Hui Huang, Roland T. Rust
2023: Fine F. Leung, Flora F. Gu, Robert W. Palmatier
2024: Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Dorothea N Aliman, Alina M. Herting, Gerrit P. Cziehso, Marc Linder, and Raoul V Kubler


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