AMS Cutco/Vector Distinguished Marketing Educators

The AMS CUTCO/Vector Distinguished Marketing Educator Award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of marketing education. Honorees have demonstrated excellence in teaching, research, mentorship and service and have played a significant role in advancing the marketing discipline. Recipients are recognized for their unwavering commitment to professionalism, integrity and ethical standards throughout their careers.

Eligibility and Requirements

To be eligible for the AMS CUTCO/Vector Distinguished Marketing Educator Award, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • A history of supporting and appreciating the role of marketing academia in both marketing scholarship and practice.

  • Demonstrated superiority in teaching and research within the framework of the AMS, positively impacting the students they have interacted with.

  • Distinguished scholarly accomplishments, as well as specific contributions to the AMS.

All AMS fellows in good standing who have not received the Distinguished Marketing Educator recognition within the last 10 years are eligible for consideration.

Selection Process

Selection Committee: At the AMS Annual Conference, the chair of the Board of Governors will appoint a committee consisting of three governors. This committee will be responsible for identifying potential candidates and making the final selection for the CUTCO/Vector Distinguished Marketing Educator Award. The chair of the Board of Governors may also appoint the chair of the nominating and selection committee or instruct the committee to select its own chair.

Call for Nominations: A call for nominations will be issued by December 1 of each year, targeting the Board of Governors and Distinguished Fellows. The call will provide a comprehensive description of the award and its requirements. Additionally, the call for nominations will be published in AMS Quarterly. Nominators will be asked to submit a brief statement (fewer than 100 words) justifying the nominee's worthiness for the award, along with the nominee's resume. They will also be required to assess whether the nominee has consistently demonstrated integrity and upheld high ethical standards.

Committee Evaluation and Ranking: By December 15, the chair of the nominating and selection committee will convene the committee to evaluate the candidates and rank them accordingly. The rankings will be shared with the AMS President and the Board of Governors for review and approval. The president and the board may grant permission to proceed or request the committee to reconvene for further deliberation.

Winner Notification: Once the nominees have been approved, the chair of the nominating and selection committee will reach out to the highest-ranking nominee on the list. In the event that the highest-ranking nominee declines, subsequent nominees will be contacted in order of their ranking.

Winner Recognition

Recipients of the AMS CUTCO/Vector Distinguished Marketing Educator Award will be honored with a plaque, symbolizing their remarkable contributions and achievements in marketing education.

Past Winners

1987: Shelby Hunt, Texas Tech University
1988: Robert A. Peterson, University of Texas at Austin
1989: Jagdish N. Sheth, University of Southern California
1990: William R. Darden, Louisiana State University 
1991: Stanley E. Hollander, Michigan State University
1992: Paul E. Green, University of Pennsylvania
1993: Gil Churchill, University of Wisconsin
1994: Richard P. Bagozzi, University of Michigan
1995: William D. Perreault, Jr., University of North Carolina
1996: David W. Cravens, Texas Christian University
1997: Robert F. Lusch, University of Oklahoma
1998: William H. Cunningham, University of Texas System
1999: George S. Day, University of Pennsylvania
2000: Leonard L. Berry, Texas A&M University
2001: A.Parasuraman, University of Miami
2002: Philip Kotler, Northwestern University
2003: Rajan Varadarajan, Texas A&M University
2004: Valarie Zeithaml, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2005: Naresh Malhotra, Georgia Tech

2006: David Stewart, University of Southern California
2007: Ronald T. Rust, University of Maryland
2008: Christine Moorman, Duke University
2009: Donald R. Lehman, Columbia University
2010: Dhruv Grewal, Babson College
2011: Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Kennesaw State University
2012: Rosann Spiro, Indiana University
2013: Linda Price, University of Arizona
2014: O.C. Ferrell, University of New Mexico
2015: V. Kumar, Georgia State University
2016: Tomas Hult, Michigan State University
2017: Venkatesh (Venky) Shankar, Texas A&M University
2018: Linda Golden, University of Texas
2019: Sharon Beatty, University of Alabama
2020: Manjit S. Yadav, Texas A&M University
2021: Victoria Crittenden, Babson College
2022: Eli Jones, Texas A&M University
2023: Bodo Schlegelmilch, WU Vienna
2024: Barry J Babin, University of Mississippi


Harold W. Berkman Service Award


Jagdish N. Sheth Best JAMS Article Award