Call for Papers

2025 AMS Annual Conference

Going Back to the Roots of Marketing

May 21–23, 2025 • Le Westin, Montréal, Canada 


As marketing scholars, it is important to advocate for a return to the foundational principles of marketing with an approach that emphasizes the relevance and relationship of marketing research with industry while maintaining academic rigor. By doing so, we ensure our research remains impactful and addresses the practical needs of marketers, as well as contributing to the advancement of marketing knowledge.

For marketing research to be truly valuable, it must have a theoretical framework, adhere to methodological rigor, and address real-world challenges marketers face. In addition, focusing on pressing societal and global challenges reinforces the idea that marketing research should seek to make a broader impact beyond the confines of academic journals. By aligning our research with societal needs and industry challenges, we increase the relevance of our work and contribute to a greater societal and social impact. The balance between rigor and relevance is appropriate and necessary for advancing marketing research and the betterment of society at large.  

To show its commitment to practically relevant research, AMS has launched the Building the Bridge initiative, which includes the Building the Bridge Research Grant to support AMS’s commitment to practically relevant research, the AMS Sparks a free, innovative series that transforms marketing research into actionable marketing insight, and the AMS Illuminations a podcast series for conversations with AMS Fellows about their professional journeys, the impactful research they are conducting, and the valuable insights they've gathered along the way. To complement these initiatives, we invite you to submit research papers and special session proposals relating to returning to the roots of marketing research and similarly relevant topics.

The CFP submission system is now OPEN!!!!. Submissions will be due: November 1, 2024. 

2025 AMS Annual Conference:

Conference Co-Chairs

Mathieu Kacha
Program Chair
University of Lorraine

Hyunju Shin
Program Chair
Kennesaw State University

Tracks and Track-Chairs

Advertising and Communications
Jean-Luc Herrmann 
University of Lorraine, France

Claas Christian Germelmann 
University of Bayreuth, Germany

AI and Marketing Analytics
Patricia Rossi
SKEMA Business School, France

Melanie Richards
East Tennessee State University, USA

Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, 
and Metaverse

Graeme Mclean
University of Strathclyde, UK

Jennifer Brannon Barhorst
College of Charleston, USA

B2B Marketing, Strategy, and Supply  
Chain Management

Benjamin Österle
Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Marc Kuhn
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart, Germany

Brand and Product Management
Rico Piehler  
Macquarie University, Australia

Mohamed Didi Alaoui
IAE Nice, France

Consumer Behavior and Consumer  Well-being
Clark Johnson
Pepperdine University, USA

Brittney Bauer
Loyola University of Chicago, USA

Mark Arnold
Saint Louis University, USA

Consumers in the Age of the Internet
Sabinah Wanjugu
University of Southern Indiana, USA

Patrick Fennell
Kennesaw State University, USA

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Marketing
McDowell Porter III
California State University, Fresno, USA

Hospitality, Tourism, Sports, and Entertainment Marketing
Yu-Shan (Sandy) Huang
Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, USA

Dimitrios Buhalis
Bournemouth University, UK

International and Cross-Cultural Marketing
Melanie Lorenz
Florida Atlantic University, USA

Public Policy, Ethics, CSR and Entrepreneurial Marketing
Kate Kim
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA

Cynthia Sullivan
University of South Alabama, USA

Luxury and Fashion Marketing
Camila Lee Park
EDC Paris Business School, France

Mauro Fracarolli Nunes
EDC Paris Business School, France

Marketing Pedagogy and Education
Franck Celhay
Montpellier Business School, France

Personal Selling, Sales Management,
and Organizational Frontlines

Colin Gabler
Auburn University, USA

John Galvan
Missouri State University, USA

Research Methods
Susanne Adler
Ludwig-Maximillians-University Munich, Germany

Constant Pieters
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Retailing, Omni-Channel, and Pricing
Sandrine Heitz-Spahn
University of Lorraine, France

Julien Troiville
University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada

Karine Picot-Coupey
University of Rennes, France

Service Research and Healthcare Marketing
Kyung-Ah (Kay) Byun
University of Texas at Tyler, USA

Anupama Ambika
IMT, Dubai

Social Media and Digital Marketing
Ingrid Poncin
UCLouvain, Belgium

Sylvain Sénécal
HEC Montreal, Canada

Carsten D. Schultz
University of Hagen, Germany

Doctoral Information

Doctoral Colloquium
John Ford
Old Dominion University, USA

Mathieu Kacha
University of Lorraine, France

Mary Kay Inc. Doctoral Dissertation Competition
Yany Grégoire
HEC Montreal, Canada

Clay M. Voorhees
University of Alabama, USA

Paul W. Fombelle
Northeastern University, USA

JAMS Special Issue: Sustainable Marketing and Innovation track

Neeraj Bharadwaj
The University of Tennessee, USA

Anders Gustafsson
Norwegian Business School, Norway

Jagdish N. Sheth
Emory University, USA

Special Sessions and Proceedings Editors

Special Sessions
Mathieu Kacha
University of Lorraine, France

Hyunju Shin
Kennesaw State University, USA

Nina Krey
Rowan University, USA

Proceedings Editors
Jasmine Parajuli
Southern Arkansas University, USA

Amrita Dey
University of Denver, USA

AMS Conference Paper Policies 

  • Authors (or at least one author) of accepted papers are required to register for the Annual Conference AND to present the accepted research at the time designated in the conference program. Any research submission (competitive or special session) accepted for presentation but not presented at the conference will NOT appear nor be acknowledged in the official conference proceedings (Developments in Marketing Science) published by Springer and indexed in SCOPUS (  

  • If at least one of the authors of a paper has not registered by the early bird deadline (approximately 6 weeks prior to the conference), the paper is subject to be deleted from the program. Thus, prior to submission, please consider the submission of the paper seriously and take into account any uncertainties about an author(s) NOT being able to attend.  

  • All conference participants should be active AMS members.

  • It is against AMS policy to submit the same paper or proposal to multiple tracks or to multiple conferences simultaneously or to resubmit a previously accepted paper.

  • An individual may not be an author or co-author on more than three (3) competitive papers or structured abstract submissions. Authors risk having all submissions deleted from consideration for a violation of this rule. Every submission consumes resources from AMS and its volunteers.

  • An individual requiring a visa to travel to the conference should apply for his/her visa in a timely manner and carefully consider the likelihood of attending the conference prior to registering. Cancellation fees will apply to an individual who is unable to attain his/her visa. Authors facing visa issues should carefully consider a backup plan allowing a co-author to present should visa/immigration problems prevent attendance. Please note that virtual presentations are not offered. 

Guidelines for Submitting Manuscripts and Special Session Proposals 

Please submit structured abstracts, competitive papers, or special session proposals electronically using the EasyChair conference management system, which can be accessed at the following website:  

The Developments in Marketing Series will publish only full papers. Thus, authors wishing to publish a full paper should submit full papers to the conference. One-page abstracts will be compiled into a separate collection of abstracts featured on the AMS website. 

Full paper submissions should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages or 7,000 words, whichever is less, in total length, including all exhibits and references (Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins, see the for detailed formatting information). Be sure to include the title with each submission but do not include a title page with author identification in the submitted document file. The title of the paper, names and affiliations of each author, and complete contact information for the corresponding author(s) (address, e-mail address, phone) will be requested. Please be sure to spell all author names correctly. Misspelled names create problems in creating the program and effective communication. It is against AMS policy to submit the same paper or special session proposal to multiple tracks. Manuscripts will be double-blind reviewed. Only papers submitted as full papers can be published in the proceedings published by Springer. A full paper may also be published as a one-page abstract in a separate collection of abstracts.

Structured abstract submissions should not exceed 4 single-spaced pages following the guidelines and an example structured abstract at Structured abstracts accepted for presentation are published as a one-page abstract in the collection of abstracts featured on the AMS website.

Special session/panel proposals can be submitted through the EasyChair system to the special session submissions track. Proposals should contain a 50-word bio of each speaker, a one-page description of the session, and a one-page description of each presentation. If the special session contains individual presentations, each with its own unique “talk” title, then each presentation should be entered into the system separately with a unique identifier in the title tying it back to the special session. In other words, if the special session is about “Fun at AMS,” individual “talks” would have a title like: “Fun at AMS: How to Network Professionally at Receptions.” If you have any questions about the fit of your special session, please contact one of the special session co-chairs prior to uploading a proposal submission. Special session/panel proposals will be reviewed, and those rated as the highest quality and most in keeping with the conference theme will be accepted for presentation. Special sessions/panels can only be published as one-page abstracts in the collection of abstracts. The program team welcomes all ideas for presentations, panels, or other sessions that may be of interest to the AMS Fellows. Please contact one of the special session co-chairs with your ideas.

Please note that only full papers will be considered for the available BEST paper awards. 

Additional guidelines and formatting requirements for the proceedings

Guidelines for Submitting Materials for the Proceedings 

Full papers accepted and presented at the conference can be published as a full paper in the conference proceedings, Developments in Marketing Science published by Springer and indexed in SCOPUS. A collection of abstracts will be made available separately. Authors of accepted full-paper submissions may opt to forgo publication in the Volume and instead include a one-page (min 250 – max 400 words) abstract in the collection of abstracts. The page limit for published full papers is min 9 to max 12 single-spaced pages (Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins). Longer papers (up to 18 pages) will be allowed at the rate of US $50 per page over the limit.

Structured abstracts and special sessions will no longer be included in Developments in Marketing Science published by Springer. Structured abstracts and special sessions accepted for the conference can be featured in the abstract collection. Structured abstract submissions are allowed a one-page (min 250 – max 400 words) abstract. Special session submissions are also allowed a one-page (min 250 – max 400 words) abstract summarizing the special session with all participants listed as authors, or as appropriate, all papers presented in the session can be featured as individual one-page abstracts in addition to a summary abstract.

Only authors of full papers appearing in the proceedings published by Springer are required to release the copyright to the Academy of Marketing Science. As noted, any manuscripts not presented at the conference will not be published in these AMS Proceedings. Also, if at least one of the authors of a paper has not registered by the early bird deadline (approximately 6 weeks prior to the conference), the paper will be deleted from the program and cannot be published in the proceedings.

Additional guidelines and formatting requirements for the proceedings→

Additional author instructions and examples of submissions and proceedings→